Bridge Energies FAQ

Why is it necessary to inject water?
The water that we inject via injection wells is produced water. The effluent produced by producing wells is a mixture of water and oil. This effluent passes through a separator which, by a simple difference in density between the water and the oil, allows us to separate the oil from the water. The oil is stored in a tank before being sent to a refinery. The water is stored in a buffer tank before being re-injected into its original geological reservoir through an injection well.
Therefore, no water (tap water or spring water) is consumed in the production of oil from the Nonville reservoir.
Why ask for new drillings and a geographical extension when the Hulot law phases out the exploitation of fossil fuels in France?
Law No. 2017-1839 of 30 December 2017 phases out the research and progressive exploitation of hydrocarbons. This law particularly stipulates:
- That no new exploration licenses for hydrocarbons will be granted, which brings an end to exploration for new reservoirs.
- Existing leases will not be renewable beyond 2040 except for specific situations of converting operations to obtain a linked substance (e.g. sulphur or geothermal energy).
- The ban on exploring for and exploiting oil and gas, including shale gas, is strengthened by supplementing the provisions of the law of 13 July 2011 prohibiting the practice of hydraulic fracturing.
The Bridge Energies lease has been awarded for 25 years until 2034. Bridge Energies therefore remains within the legal and regulatory framework in its applications for drilling works.
Requests to extend the geographical scope of Bridge Energies submitted since 2016 pursuant to the provisions of articles L. 142-12 and L. 142-13 of the French Mining Code, which are unaffected by the law of 30 December 2017. Unfortunately, the Minister of Mines does not deal with our cases. This affects our projects and our development is extremely limited.
The studies carried out for the development of this field and the construction of the production centre represent an initial investment that must be developed over the long term, i.e. over the life of the reservoir (duration of the lease).

Why continue to produce in France?
- A low carbon footprint for oil produced and processed in France: oil produced in France emits three times less CO2 than imported oil. Oil produced in France each year represents slightly more than 1% of the country’s consumption, so in-country production avoids nearly 100,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions a year compared to imported oil.
- France’s energy security: this is part of energy policy and includes stability of energy production and security of supply. French production represents the annual consumption of the French army.
- Tax fees: these represent 15% of turnover. The first half is divided between the municipalities and the Seine-et-Marne department. The second half is for the state.
- Employment (direct and indirect): Bridge Energies works with around 20 external companies throughout the year. These companies come from various fields: maintenance work, upkeep of green spaces and premises, transport, security, handling, etc.
Is the drinking water of Parisians under threat?
The Paris Basin has been producing oil since the 1950s. As in the 2,000 or so drillings in the Paris Basin, the aquifers are protected and isolated by a minimum of two cemented casings (three for the superficial chalk aquifer which is used to supply the people of Paris).
Each cementing is checked by logging before drilling. This check on the quality of the cementing is transmitted to the competent administrative services before continuing the operations (DRIEAT IF). The drinking water of Parisians is therefore not threatened.
Technical section of a well phase by phase. (Source: J.P Nguyen, 1997 modified).

Why build new platforms?
The location of a new platform is of course decided on the basis of the potential of the subsoil, but also on the basis of all the surface and environmental constraints. For this reason, they are very often located on agricultural land, especially on cultivated plots. All environmental protection (Natura 2000, ZNIEFF, ZICO, etc.) is integrated into the various projects at a very early stage.